Keripik Renyah Crispy chips

Keripik Renyah Crispy chips

Keripik ini paling enak dinikmati saat sedang santai sambil minum kopi atau minum teh Crackers is the most enjoyable time is relaxed while drinking coffee or tea Source: Magazines'm a little

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
1 sendok makan gula pasir tablespoon sugar
5 kuning telur yellow
1 putih telur egg white
1 sendok makan sour cream tablespoons sour cream
1 sendok makan rhum tablespoons rhum
1/4 1 / 4 sendok teh garam teaspoon salt
300 gram tepung terigu grams of wheat flour
minyak goreng oil for frying

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1. Aduk gula, telur, cream, dan garam sampai larut. Mixed sugar, eggs, cream, and salt to dissolve.
2. Masukan tepung terigu lalu uleni( aduk merata hingga adonan cukup keras untuk dibentuk), diamkan adonan selama 30 menit. Entry uleni and wheat flour (mixed evenly until the dough is quite hard to be formed), Leave the dough for 30 minutes.
3. Tipiskan adonan lalu potong 2X15 cm,ikat hingga menyerupai pita. Tipiskan dough and cut 2X15 cm, bind to resemble the tape.
4. Goreng dalam minyak panas sampai kering dan matang, angkat lalu sajikan dengan taburan gula halus. Fry in hot oil until dry and cooked, then serve with a lift refined sugar topping.

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