Irish Chocolate Cake

Irish Chocolate Cake Irish Chocolate Cake

Kue cokelat yang satu ini lembut dan memiliki cita rasa yang tidak ada duanya :) Chocolate cake is soft and this one has a taste that is not both of them:Source: Magazines taste

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
375 gram dark chocolate, tim grams of dark cake, the team
250 gram tepung terigu grams of wheat flour
1 sendok soda kue spoon soda cake
1/4 1 / 4 sendok teh garam teaspoon salt
100 ml air kopi ml of water coffee
125 ml irish whiskey ml irish whiskey
185 gram mentega, kocok grams of butter, shake
375 gram gula grams of sugar
1 sendok teh esen vanili tsp vanilla esen
3 butir telur egg
Gula halus secukupnya, untuk taburan Adequate refined sugar, for topping

Hiasan Artwork :
Strawberry secukupnya Strawberry adequate

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1. Campur tepung, soda kue, dan garam, aduk merata, sisihkan. Toss flour, cake soda, and salt, mixed evenly seen.
2. Campur air kopi dan whiskey hingga rata, sisihkan. Toss water and coffee to the average whiskey seen.
3. Kocok mentega, gula dan esen vanili hingga kental dan putih. Shake butter, sugar and vanilla until thick esen and white.
4. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan tuang cokelat cair, aduk hingga lembut. Enter the eggs one by one and cast brown liquid, stir well until soft.
5. Masukkan adonan ke dalam larutan kopi sedikit demi sedikit, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Enter the dough to a solution of coffee in little by little, stir well until evenly mixed.
6. Tuang dalam loyang tulban berdiameter 8 cm, yang telah diolesi margarin. Tulban trays cast in berdiameter 8 cm, which has been smeared margarine.
7. Panggang dalam over bersuhu 165 derajat Celcius selama 50 menit hingga matang. Roast in the over with 165 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes until cooked.
8. Angkat, dinginkan selama 15 menit. Lift, dinginkan for 15 minutes.
9. Keluarkan dari dalam loyang. Remove from the trays.
10. taburi dengan gula halus dan siap disajikan. taburi with refined sugar and are ready.

Jika ada strawberry sajikan kue ini bersama dengan potongan strawberry sebagai pemanis. If there is a strawberry serve this cake with strawberry pieces as a sweetener.

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