Ice Green Bananas

Es Pisang Hijau Ice Green Bananas

Ini adalah hidangan khas dari Ujung Pandang, hidangan ini paling enak jika dinikmati pada saat cuaca panas This is a typical dish from Ujung Pandang, this dish is best enjoyed at the time if the weather is hot Source: Magazines silky glance

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Perkiraan Waktu Pembuatan : 45 menit Estimated Time: 45 minutes

Disajikan Untuk : 5 Orang Served To: 5 people

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
40 gram tepung beras grams of rice flour
1/2 1 / 2 sendok teh garam teaspoon salt
300 ml air ml of water
100 ml air daun suji ml of water leaves Desamuda Village Seminyak
3 tetes pewarna hijau drops of green dye
175 gram tepung beras grams of rice flour
5 buah pisang raja yang tua bananas that old king
es serut ice serut
sirup merah red syrup
650 ml santan(bahan saus) ml of milk (sauce ingredients)
50 gram tepungh terigu(bahan saus) tepungh grams of wheat (of sauce)
75 gram gula pasir(bahan saus) grams of sugar (of sauce)
1 lembar daun pandan(bahan saus) pandan leaf sheet (of sauce)
1/4 1 / 4 sendok teh garam(bahan saus teaspoon salt (sauce ingredients

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1. Aduk tepung beras, garam, air, air daun suji, pewarna hijau lalu rebus sambil diaduk sampai mendidih, angkat. Mixed rice flour, salt, water, water leaves Desamuda Village Seminyak, green dye and boiled while stirred until boiling, lift.
2. Tambahkan tepung beras, aduk rata lalu aduk lagi sampai kalis(tidak lengket). Add the rice flour, stir well and the average mixed again until dull (not sticky). Tipiskan adonan, balutkan pada pisang hingga tertutup. Tipiskan dough, balutkan closed until the bananas.
3. Kukus pisang selama 20 menit. Steam for 20 minutes in bananas. Angkat dan sisihkan. Lift and seen.
4. Rebus bahan saus sampai mendidih, angkat lalu dinginkan. Boiled sauce ingredients until boiling, then lift dinginkan.
5. Potong-potong pisang hijau, tuangkan saus, es serut, dan sirup merah. Cut green bananas, pour sauce, ice serut, and red syrup.

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