Fudgy Chocolate & coffee-layer cake Frosting

Fudgy Chocolate & coffee-layer cake Frosting

Pertama kali memilih kue, sudah pasti kita mencari yang paling menarik bentuknya, apalagi kue yang ditaburi dengan beraneka macam bentuk coklat, nah resep ini dapat Anda coba hasilnya bukan cuma lezat tetapi juga sangat mengiurkan :-) First select a cake, for sure, we find the most interesting shapes, especially appealing to the cake with the party kind of chocolate, there was this recipe you can try the result is not only delicious but also very mengiurkan :-)Source: Dining Magazine

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Perkiraan Waktu Pembuatan : 1 Jam Estimated Time: 1 Hour

Disajikan Untuk : 12 Orang Served To: 12 Persons

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
Bahan Material Cake : Cake:
130 gram gula pasir halus grams of sugar-fine sand
150 gram tepung terigu protein rendah grams of protein, low-wheat flour
3/4 3 / 4 sendok teh soda kue teaspoon soda cake
1/2 1 / 2 sendok teh garam teaspoon salt
240 ml air ml of water
2 sendok makan kopi instan bubuk (espresso) tablespoon instant coffee powder (espresso)
120 gram coklat masak pekat (dark) grams of cooked brown slab (dark)
120 ml minyak goreng ml oil
120 ml sour cream (suhu ruang) ml sour cream (room temperature)
2 butir telur (besar) eggs (large)
1/2 1 / 2 sendok teh vanili tsp vanilla

Bahan Material Frosting : Frosting:
240 ml krim kental ml condensed cream
100 gram mentega tawar, potong kotak 1 cm grams of fresh butter, cut into 1 cm box
30 gram gula pasir halus grams of sugar-fine sand
60 ml air ml of water
2 sendok teh kopi instan bubuk teaspoon instant coffee powder
1/4 1 / 4 sendok teh garam teaspoon salt
480 gram coklat masak pekat (dark), cincang halus grams of cooked brown slab (dark), finely chopped
1 sendok teh vanili tsp vanilla

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

Membuat Cake : Making Cake:
1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 160 C Olesi loyang dengan mentega dan taburi tepung terigu. Heat oven to 160 C temperature Olesi trays with butter and wheat flour taburi.
2. Aduk gula, tepung, soda kue, dan garam dengan whisk dalam mangkuk besar. Mixed sugar, flour, cake soda, and salt with a whisk in a large bowl.
3. Rebus air sampai mulai mendidih perlahan. Boiled water began to boil slowly.
4. Angkat dari api, tambahkan kopi, dan cokelat, aduk dengan whisk sampai meleleh dan rata. Lift from the fire, add coffee and cocoa, mixed with a whisk to melt and the average. Dinginkan.
5. Dalam mangkuk lain, aduk minyak goreng, sour cream, telur, dan vanili. In another bowl, mixed vegetable oil, sour cream, eggs, and vanilla.
6. Campurkan adonan coklat, aduk. Mix dough with chocolate, stir well.
7. Setelah itu tuang adonan cokelat-sour cream ke dalam tepung dalam 3 tahapan, aduk. After the cast-dough chocolate sour cream to the flour in 3 stages, mixed.
8. Bagi rata adonan ke dalam loyang. For the dough evenly into the trays.
9. Panggang selama 40 menit sampai alat test ke luar dalam keadaan licin. Roast for 40 minutes to test equipment to the outside in the icy conditions.
10. Dinginkan selama 5 menit di atas rak kawat. Dinginkan for 5 minutes on wire rack.
11. Lepaskan pinggir kue dari loyang, lalu balik cake di atas rak kawat, dinginkan Remove the cake from the edge trays, and cake back on the wire shelves, dinginkan

Membuat Frosting : Make Frosting:
1. Campur semua bahan kecuali cokelat dan vanili, aduk sampai mentega leleh. Toss all ingredients except chocolate and vanilla, stir well to melt butter.
2. Angkat dari api, masukkan cokelat, aduk sampai leleh. Lift from the fire, enter the chocolate, stir well to melt.
3. Masukkan vanili. Enter the vanilla.
4. Tuang frosting ke dalam tempat besar, dinginkan sampai cukup kental untuk dioleskan (3 jam). Frosting cast into the big, dinginkan until thick enough to be lubricated (3 hours).

Penyelesaian : Resolution:
1. Taruh 1 buah cake di atas piring saji. Place 1 cake on a platter City.
2. Oleskan 1/3 bagian bahan oles di atasnya, tumpukkan cake yang satu lagi lalu tutup seluruh cake dengan olesan. Oleskan 1 / 3 of the above material oles, tumpukkan cake that one again and close the entire cake with the spread.
3. Tutup kue dan simpan 2 jam dalam lemari es agar mengeras. Cover cake and store 2 hours in the refrigerator to harden.

NOTE : Untuk membuat pita seperti di foto dapat Anda baca, di halaman tips dengan judul membuat Pita Cokelat. NOTE: To make the tape as in the photo you can see, the tips page with the title to make Tape Chocolate.

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