Cassava cake

Just click the picture below Cassava cake

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Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
4 butir Telur eggs Eggs
150 gram Gula pasir Sugar grams of sand
¾ sdt Baking powder tsp Baking powder
200 gram Tepung terigu grams Flour
100 gram Ubi kukus, dihaluskan Cassava grams of steamed, mashed
50 gram Margarin, dilelehkan Margarine grams, dilelehkan
¼ sdt Vanilli tsp Vanilli
50 gram Meyses grams Meyses

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1.Kocok eggs and sugar until stiff, entries sieve flour and Baking powder. Adukrata.
2.Tambahkan sardines, margarine, vanilli and water. Diamkan adonan selama 10 menit Leave the dough for 10 minutes
3.Panaskan cake molds and cast the dough, after a half-baked, taburkan meyses.
4.Tutup mold, Leave it to mature. angkat lift

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