Pengaturan Profile facebook

Mengatur Profile Facebook Untuk Bisa Dilihat Semua Orang

Profil facebook Anda ingin bisa dilihat semua orang ? tapi bagaimana caranya? kan facebook tidak mengizinkan user melakukan hal tersebut. Ups kata siapa? hari ini facebook membuat satu artikel yang saya sudah siapkan sia-sia dengan judul “cara setting facebook agar bisa dilihat banyak orang” (belum diposting). Padahal beberapa hari mendatang saya ingin meemposting aritkel itu, namun apa boleh buat nasi telah jadi bubur? (ternyata enak juga buburnya) [Generate by Smileykiti]

Dahulu kala sejak lahirnya firaun, eh maksudnya facebook kita tidak diizinkan untuk membuka (dilihat) profil kita untuk semua orang (everyone), facebook hanya mengizinkan profil kita dilihat dengan pilihan teman(friend), temannya teman(friends of friends), atau jaringan dan teman saya (my networks and friends). Dan hari ini ada berita baik bagi setiap orang yang ingin eksis (apa narsis ya?) atau ingin dapat profil facebooknya dilihat semua orang seperti friendster mainan kita “zaman dulu” karena mulai hari ini facebook memfasilitasi profil kita untuk dapat dilihat semua orang (everyone) seperti yang sudah dibahas di blog facebook.

Berikut cara profil facebook agar dapat dilihat semua orang:

Klik settings (di sebelah atas) > privacy settings > profile > bagian profile ganti jadi everyone

atau klik dini dan bagian profile ganti jadi everyone

Artikel dari blog facebook

One of the top priorities at Facebook is offering privacy controls that let you choose exactly what you share with whom. We have largely focused on enabling you to give access to your profile to people you confirmed as friends and people in your networks. While these controls remain important and a priority for us, many of you have explained that you also want to open parts of your profile to a wider audience. Starting today, you can choose to make your profile and any of your content available to everyone on Facebook.

None of your existing privacy settings have changed. This is an additional setting for those of you who wish to share with a broader audience.

Just go to your privacy page and change the settings you want to the new “Everyone” option. You can opt to make one or all of the following profile elements more open: Profile, Status Updates, Links, Wall Posts, Basic Info, Personal Info, Education Info, Work Info, Photos of You and Videos of You.

By changing your Profile setting to “Everyone”, anyone who finds you through a search on Facebook or sees a post or comment you make can now click on your content and view the elements of your profile you’ve opted to make open. While some special rules remain in place about who can see your profile if you are a minor, people generally won’t need to be friends with you or share a common network in order to view your content if you choose the new “Everyone” setting.

In the past, searching for friends you haven’t seen in a while or someone who has a common name may have been difficult. You may have only been able to see their search listing and a small thumbnail version of a photo, if that. With this change, people can use the “Everyone” option and make it easier for you to find and connect to all the people you know.

Mark Slee, an engineer at Facebook, can’t wait to see what everyone thinks.

Selamat bereksis di facebook,

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