Corn Cakes

Honey emping Corn Cakes

Kue yang satu ini praktis, lezat dan bergizi ^o^ This cake is a practical, delicious and nutritious ^ o ^
Juga sangat cocok untuk sajikan di hari raya, mungkin sebagai suatu yang unik yang dapat membuat suasana hari raya kali ini menjadi lebih ceria. It is also very suitable to serve at the feast, may be a unique atmosphere that can make a feast this time to become more pure.Source: Recipes Series Advancement Aeka Bakery Dry

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
200 gram mentega grams butter
100 gram gula pasir grams of sugar
3 sendok teh madu teaspoon honey
1 butir telur egg
100 gram emping jagung, tumbuk kasar emping grams of maize, flattered rough
50 gram ceri merah, potong kecil grams of red cherries, cut small
50 gram ceri hijau, potong kecil grams of green cherries, cut small
100 gram havermut grams of oatmeal
150 gram tepung terigu grams of wheat flour
1/2 1 / 2 sendok teh baking powder teaspoon Baking powder
Garam secukupnya Adequate salt

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1. Kocok mentega bersama gula, madu dan telur hingga lembut. Shake butter with sugar, honey and egg until soft.
2. Masukkan emping jagung, ceri merah dan ceri hijau. Enter emping corn, cherry red and green cherries. Aduk rata. Mixed average.
3. Masukkan havermut, tepung terigu yang diayak bersama dengan baking powder, dan garam. Enter oatmeal, wheat flour together with the filtered Baking powder, and salt. Aduk rata. Mixed average.
4. Ambil setengah sendok makan adonan, bentu memanjang. Take half a tablespoon dough, bentu sweep. Letakkan di loyang yang sudah diolesi margarin. Place the trays that have been smeared margarine.
5. Oven hingga matang. Oven until cooked.

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