Chocolate Chips Cup

Chocolate Chips Cup Chocolate Chips Cup

Hmm, nyummy .. Well, nyummy .. ^^ ^ ^
Kue chocolate chips yang pasti disukai oleh seluruh keluarga, dan yang pasti anak-anak pasti suka :) Bakery cake chips that enjoyed by the entire family, and that the children would like:) Source: Tabloid Aura

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Disajikan Untuk : 5 Orang Served To: 5 people

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
250 gram mentega grams butter
250 gram gula tepung grams of sugar flour
3 butir telur ayam chicken eggs
150 gram chocolate chip gram chip cake
1 sendok makan soda kue tablespoons soda cake
250 gram tepung terigu, ayak grams of wheat flour, sieve

Cara Mengolah :

1. Siapkan Loyang cetakan, oles mentega dan alasi dengan kertas roti. Prepare the mold trays, oles butter and bread alasi with the paper.
2. Kocok telur. Shake eggs.
3. Tambahkan gula, kocok terus. Add sugar, continue to shake.
4. Campurkan mentega, kocok rata. Mix butter, shake average.
5. Tuangkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit. Pour wheat flour gradually.
6. Masukkan soda kue. Enter the soda cake.
7. Setelah semua tercampur rata, tuangkan ke dalam loyang cetakan. After all mixed evenly, pour into the mold trays.
8. Taburkan chocolate chips. Taburkan cake chips.
9. Panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 200 derajat Celcius selama kurang lebih 30 menit. Roast in oven with a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for more than 30 minutes.

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