Jericho 941 .40 S&W

Street ready pistol in a lightweight and powerful package!


Several years back, I had the opportunity to shoot and carry a Baby Eagle manufactured by Israeli Military Industries. Often the case with anything that is produced by Israel weapon’s manufacturers, it was a solid, accurate and reliable all-steel pistol. Conditions in Israel are harsh, so the need and application is real and frequent. Weapons made with this in mind have to be reliable.

jericho1One criticism would be the weight. It can be carried concealed but it isn’t comfortable. As the move to the .40 caliber became evident, the same pistol in that caliber was heavier and not as reliable. While the .40 caliber was still gaining its legs, manufacturers would move up in caliber but not always with great success. Polymer pistols were still new and there were only a few out there that worked well. For the most part, the bigger the caliber back then, the more the pistol weighed.

There are tons of solid, polymer semi-automatic pistols now. The concealed carry holder has a growing number of choices each year. The manufacturing process using polymers and overall reliability of pistols in general have made leaps and bounds. Most of the bugs have been worked out of both the polymer-framed guns and the .40 caliber cartridge. The Mid-Size Jericho 941 pistol in .40 caliber is no exception to this. It is made by Israeli Weapon Industries (IWI) Ltd and imported by KBI, Inc. This is the latest evolution of that pistol I carried years ago. The Israeli pension for building reliable firearms has not changed.

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