Want Better Sex? Love Your Vagina

Three facts about your vagina to improve your sex life

-Amber Madison

A  pretty woman lying on her bed

Love your vagina. We’ve all heard it. It’s not gross, it’s luscious. It’s not ugly, it’s a flower. It’s not annoying, it’s complex. Yet still, if you’re like most women, you feel indifferent at best about your vagina.

In the grand scheme of things, loving it just doesn’t seem like that huge of a priority. You’re supposed to love your cellulite, your crooked nose and your frizzy hair; do you really have to feel good about your vagina too? Yes.

And not because that sentiment goes well with your patchouli-scented aromatherapy candle, but because the way you feel about your vagina has a direct impact on your sex life.

A recent study of more than 2,000 women by Dr. Laura Berman and Dr. Mieke Ana Windecker found that women who had the most positive image of their vaginas reported the most sexual energy and the easiest time achieving an orgasm. It also found that what a woman thought about the smell of her vagina was most closely linked to her overall vaginal perception. So in the name of better sex, here are five facts to help you like your vagina a little bit more (even if you’re not ready to say the “L” word yet).

1. It’s only scary because you’re not used to looking at it. Guys have no choice but to develop an intimate relationship with their genitals. They have to hold it when they pee, they catch glimpses of it every time they get out of the shower, and it’s just generally flopping around down there for them to inspect. You, on the other hand, have to contort your body around a mirror in order to see what’s between your legs. Because of this, you probably haven’t seen your vagina very much, and because of that when you do, it may be scary.

But the more often you look at yourself, the more comfortable you will feel with your body. (For a guided tour click here)

2. Worst case scenario your vagina looks like … a vagina. When you look at your vagina, it might seem like there’s an excessive amount of folds, parts or protrusions. But no matter what you may think yours looks like, it just looks like a vagina. And as any gyno will tell you, vaginas come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors that are all normal.

3. It smells like pussy, but that’s a good thing. Your vagina doesn’t smell like flowers, spring rain or even nothing at all. It smells like vagina, and that’s just fine.

Many guys will tell you, the scent of a healthy vagina is a turn on. Smell is the sense most closely tied to memory, and when guys smell vagina, they think of sex (just think of it as porn for his nostrils). When your partner goes down there, he knows what he’s getting himself into - he’s not expecting it (or wanting it) to smell any differently. So even if you can’t fully appreciate your scent, know it’s that very scent that’s getting him in the mood.

4. A guy can’t leave you for a girl who doesn’t have one. If a guy doesn’t like vaginas then he’s in a pretty rough spot if he wants to be dating women. Maybe you think vaginas are gross, but your guy can’t. As long as he’s straight he pretty much has to be pro vajayjay.

5. It’s just as good as the competition. If you didn’t have a vagina, you’d have a penis and testicles - it’s generally one or the other. And male anatomy is no picnic either. Embarrassing erections, embarrassing non-erections, the size, the stamina, and yes, the smell too. Vaginas aren’t perfect, and neither is penis or any other part of our body.

But as many things as we may dislike about our genitals, they allow us to experience the physical pleasures and intimacy of sex, and that’s a pretty damn good part of being human.

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